Our First Working Tattoo Convention

An important part of our philosophy is to get out there and meet people who are part of the culture. What’s a better way to do this then to attend a convention? In April we registered for the Orlando Tattoo Convention for July 2016 and all points were a go. We decided to partner with Guerilla Tattoo so that we would have an artist from the area participating.

The next step was to pick our location at the convention; it’s key to be visible. We wanted to meet as many people as possible. Success! We were able to land a corner booth. Nice spot!

With two weeks to go before the convention we ran into a stumbling block. Guerilla Tattoo had to cancel. So we frantically called around looking for a replacement. With help from Forever Freedom Tattoo Club we were able to get Studio1891 from Georgia to fill in for us. So with us back on track, we were ready for the Orlando.

Chris visiting the Davinci booth


So on Wednesday the 20th, Jim and I started our 15-hour journey from Fayetteville, PA to Orlando, FL. Upon arrival in Orlando we ran into another stumbling block. Our hotel was in the middle of renovations and the replacement room was not good. After a bit of negotiation, we landed a sweet spot across the street. Nice find! 100% better.

We spent the evening brainstorming our ideas and expectations for the next days. Friday, Day 1, we set up our booth. We were nervous and excited all at the same time. During the setup time, Chico from Marked4Life Tattoo Co. out of Miami showed up and livened up the place. He has a great personality and is funny as hell. He set the mood for the evening. Friday evening we finally got to meet Joel Bauer from Studio1891. Now our booth was complete.

Friday night the crowd was scarce but we hoped that Saturday would prove to be better.

Saturday, Day 2 of convention we had my cousin and her friends help us get the word out about Inked2gether.com. Thanks again Megan, Monica, and Danielle for a great job. We had a lot of traffic and met some great artists and made new friends. A big shout out to the MC, Joey Tattoo for keeping the crowd entertained and excited for the events of the day.

Tattoo on Chris by Scott Martin

Saturday, Day 2 of convention we had my cousin and her friends help us get the word out about Inked2gether.com. Thanks again Megan, Monica, and Danielle for a great job. We had a lot of traffic and met some great artists and made new friends. A big shout out to the MC, Joey Tattoo for keeping the crowd entertained and excited for the events of the day.

Sunday, Day 3 of the convention I decided to take Scott Martin from Good Vibrations Ink in Pottsville, PA up on his offer to do a cover up piece for me. Thanks again Scott.

Joey tattoo and the Inked2gether girsl

For me this was my first time on the vendor side of a convention, I now know how much work goes into it. For Jim, this was his first time at a convention. He said this wasn’t what he expected but we all had a great time! We are ready and EXCITED for the next Tat Convention!

Chris Potts

Chris is the “head honcho” and brains behind Inked2gether. This place is his brain-child. Drop him a line and let him know what you think!

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One thought on “Our First Working Tattoo Convention

  1. Nice first blog!

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